
June 10, 2019

My temporary home's guardians were being weird these days. They asked all of the occupants including me to get out from Wisma Mayangsari just because they wanted to go back to their villages. And I was so unlucky because it seemed that all of the occupants except me were planning to go back to their home too. I knew that it was the time when people celebrated Eid al-Fitr with their families whether in their villages or just home but I didn't celebrate that. Yes I also knew that I could go back but I was too lazy to go home. This semester wasn't finished yet so I still had to stay.

Luckily, Shofi offered me to use her room in her temporary home. She would go home and eventually would go back again to her temporary home. I didn't like to have a debate with my temporary home's guardians so I just said that I would go to my friend's place and I would go back when the guardians were back.

During my time in Shofi's room, I always ordered food via online. At one time, I ordered pizzas for 2-3 days. Sometimes I cooked, because Shofi said that she rarely used the frozen food that she bought so I better ate the food before it got expired.

I felt happy too in Shofi's room because the internet connection was so fast, not like in my temporary home which always made me mad. But I also felt bad because I made two lamps in Shofi's room dead. One of the lamps was in the center of the room so most of the time I was in the dark and I didn't even know it was morning or night anymore. Another lamp was in front of the bathroom. I didn't know why, but it's just weird. I planned to buy lamps to change it but Shofi said I could ask the guardian. Luckily, they were changed just in time when Shofi came back and I went to my temporary home again.

Oh yes, by the way Shofi's room was messy when I arrived at first so I had to clean her room and throw a lot of things, including leftover food that made ants coming. I didn't think that was enough to pay Shofi. And to be honest, her room decorations was prettier than mine. I wanted to design my room like her but I was too lazy to do it. As long as my room was clean, it was more than enough.

I evacuated to Shofi's room about two weeks and I felt thankful to her since I could use her room like my own.

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