Great Deliberation III of Himatif

December 4, 2016

In this event committee I learned how we could define people by their contributions to the committee even I could hate people who previously I liked.

Great Deliberation event in Himatif is an event to evaluate the cabinet which is chosen to rule the student association in a year. And the committee must be freshmen who were legitimated as the family of Himatif. Btw, Himatif is Student Association of Padjadjaran’s Informatics Engineering in case you don’t know or forget. Okay, let’s start the story.

This committee was created along with Peluit committee which was committing the election for the new president of Himatif and IFFD or Informatics Fun Day committee which was committing the birthday party of Himatif. We, Cyber 2016, were separated into those committees. And I, got myself into Great Deliberation committee. At first, I enjoyed myself in this committee because the one that I liked was being my head committee. After everyone got their positions, we held a meeting for each committee. The first meeting of Great Deliberation committee was about telling everyone’s job descriptions. Oh yes, I forgot to tell that my position in this committee was being the treasurer. The treasurer is the one who control the money and book the financial report.

Well, everything went right until there were some problems coming especially from the fundraising division. Everyday the fundraising division order boxes of snacks which would be sold in higher price so we could get the profits. But I hated that the head of fundraising division never told me the profits report which made me hard to decide the financial plan. He also hardly ever helped his members from the same division to order boxes of snacks. And I’m sorry I couldn’t help myself to block him from my LINE account because I was too tired to argue with him. Those problems were a little bit solved when the head of the committee made a meeting with the fundraising division.

Then, when it’s about a few days more to the event, I argued again with the head of the committee. It was because he broadcasted some impolite invitations to seniors. I told him several times to recheck the messages before sending but he never listened. He still broadcasted even though there were seniors who complained him. Ugh I got angry and so I couldn’t help myself again to block him.

The first day of Great Deliberation came. Still morning but I’d already gotten sick of people. The one that promised to ride me to the venue cancelled his promise while I had my trust to him. The fact was he couldn’t ignore a girl who also the part of the committee so he rode her instead of me. Was I wrong to be angry to him? That girl didn’t ask for any help to get the venue but he put her first before me? Argh damn you both. I once again couldn’t control myself to block that girl and messaged the guy who promised me with some sarcastic messages. After that, the event ran smoothly without any problems. Yeah maybe there were some but I didn’t care because I had a lot of jobs to do and didn’t have time to be stress about this event because my job in this event was done. I remembered that I even charged my laptop three times a day to do my homework and control other committee!

And now today is the last day of the Great Deliberation event. Yesterday was crazy, imagine how come the forum took a long time from 8 AM to 3 AM in the next day?! Then I got home and decided to not sleep but unfortunately I overslept and got late to come again to the event. The event had to be started at 8 AM again like yesterday but I came at 10 AM. LOL, not late I think because there were still a few people came. Why not, we need sleep bro! Then the event ran smoothly again like yesterday and still I didn’t fucking care again about this event. I just wanted to end all of this. That’s all.

Umm… btw I’ve already unblock the head of the fundraising division and the girl who backstabbed me if you ask but the head of the committee still no because I need a lot of times to comfort myself to not argue with him. Seriously, since he nominated himself to the Himatif’s president election he had became so careless while talking to seniors. And yeah, I’m really tired to scold him because he is also stubborn.

I had to admit this post is really seriously hard to explain yeah you can see how unnatural I am writing this story even though I am really surprised about how long this post is written. I don’t know is it because the anger I got by committing this event? I hope in the future I can control myself and don’t mix my mood into my job like this.

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