Technopreneur 2018

May 5, 2018

Dear Technopreneur, thanks to this event I could be close with someone special. This year, I took again this committee for showing you my gratefulness. Luckily, Teguh as the project officer chose me as his secretary. Although I was the one who asked it to be secretary in Technopreneur but without him proposed me I couldn’t get that position. I also thanked Dzakia as the head of Professions Department which is trusting me to have a high position in one of her department programs. I had a big issue with some people who couldn’t trust me since those days but Dzakia really helped me.

Enough about that LOL. So this time I want to share my experience in this committee. As a secretary my job was only taking notes of meetings’ talks. There were two kind of meetings, the first one was core committees meeting and the other one was general meeting. Core committees meetings were held every week on Wednesday and general meetings were held every time we thought we should do it. If I wasn’t wrong, general meetings were held 4 times.

Because I had already experienced this committee last year so I knew what should I do. Technopreneur was a seminar event. So we had to work hard before the D-day to make the D-day gave good impressions from the participants and the speakers and also us as the committees.

I also didn’t have to worry about people in this committee because they were the best people in Himatif that we chose. This committee was really popular when the recruitment was opened. I forgot how many registrants that joined, I just could say there were many! At the time of building the committee people, the core committees were more confused about how to put the best people in Himatif to the divisions rather about choosing people to the divisions. But in the other side, it was not good for some people. Many registrants which didn’t have a lot of experiences were rejected and it made them down. Some of them might think that they weren’t needed and then didn’t want to sign up again in other Himatif committees. Oh my, now I felt so bad with them.

Okay so in the beginning, everything looked so smooth. I liked the vibe of the core committees meeting. But when it came to about a month countdown to the D-day, it seemed like the works didn’t have so much progress. There were some problems especially about funds. We didn’t have enough money to make the event possible because there were some logistic needs that we had to rent and we couldn’t pay them.

In short, finally we could make the event possible. A night before the event was held, I chose to stay in the venue because I didn’t know how to go to the venue without being late from Jatinangor to Dipatiukur. Yeah, the venue was in Dipatiukur. It was the same place as last year’s Technopreneur, but I couldn’t hitch in Abie’s car again even though he was being the committee again this year because his car was used for other business. Luckily, I wasn’t the only person who stayed in the venue that night. There were a lot of committees there. Before sleep, we even watched a movie together.

And then the day was coming. I thought I was the last person who woke up LOL. As the secretary I didn’t have any big jobs on the D-day. I just had to wait in the attendance table with Caca, the treasurer of Technopreneur. Wow, I didn’t make a big difference from last year’s Technopreneur. Last year I spent my time during the event on backstage and this year I spent it on the front desk. WOW.

One of the speakers which was came from E-mas gave free gold for real in the event. And I just recognized that after the event was ended. OMG!!! That was one of the reasons why being on backstage or the front desk was very uncomfortable. Fine, next year I will be the participant not the committee again so I have to make sure I will get something from Technopreneur.

After the event was ended, as usual we had to evaluate our jobs. Then I went back to Jatinangor with Abie’s car. Seriously I expected to go back with Senior Ojan like on last year’s but yeah it was just expectation. He came and went back to his house with his younger brother. Actually he wanted to go back with me but the traffic was busy so I chose Abie instead. It was better than making he came back to Technopreneur just because my ego.

Abie’s car was full with logistic needs. There were also Vega, Rey, Rafid, and Ucup. I even couldn’t sit well because I had to hold an ice box on my lap. In the middle of the journey, we visited McDonald’s via drive-thru. After that, one by one of us were repatriated by Abie. Thanks a lot Abie! And yeah, thanks a lot too Technopreneur!

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