Finally First Media and Information Department Meeting

March 22, 2017

Yeah as you can see on the title, today is the very first time Media and Information Department of Himatif did a meeting between the staffs. Although it’s too late to do the first department meeting but it’s better than never right? Today’s discussions are about some of our programs. The first one is about WoI or Wall of Information. The biggest problem of this program is money crisis. The money from the dean hasn’t been given yet so we still used our own money to print the wall magazine materials. The next one is about deadline. As the person in charge of this program, I thought only the first wall magazine which was on time. After that, even though I gave the deadlines we still didn’t make it on time. I’m worried this will be increase laziness of doing this program.

Next program is about Imazine. At the moment I was called to do interview for CBS committee so when I came back I got shocked of their discussion. TF why me???!!! I was forced to be the project officer of this year’s Imazine. After listening to them why I was chosen, I felt more worries. Could I do this? So from last year’s evaluation the biggest problem of this program was: there weren’t some good communication between the Media and Information Department and the Imazine 3 team. About an hour or fewer before the recess of the Solid Cabinet, they finished the magazine. By the way, Solid Cabinet was the cabinet of Himatif Executive Board before Impressive Cabinet. Because of that, we could conclude that in that time the team and the Media and Information Department were finishing the magazine in rush so the final result wasn’t really satisfying. That’s why in this year, Senior Algif the head of this department wanted all of the staffs in the department to join the Imazine team. The project officer candidates were only me and Iyon so I saw no excuses about being the project officer. Then we also shared division for other staffs. Iyon will be in layout division, Senior Cipto and Senior Piya will be in editor division, and Senior Algif will be in documentation division.

The last topic of discussion is about organigram. That’s why at the first I said this is too late. Our cabinet has been worked almost a semester but we haven’t decided yet about this important thing. Until the meeting ended, we still didn’t have any conclusion about this topic. Huh I’m tired.

After that, I still had literature division meeting tonight. The venue was in Misiologi’s secretariat house. Damn it’s too far and so hard to reach even though the location is in Ciseke. Luckily I always had Satrio to pick me up for every Misiologi’s business. Although I thought I was wrong to take this organization job with him because until now I didn’t feel like a good friend with him. We only talked when it’s about Misiologi, but out of that we never talk each other. I didn’t know why he was so quiet, even in the class or when we met in the library. I really wanted to be a good friend for him because I didn’t like to be quiet. It made me felt that I shouldn’t make him hassle to pick me up. Ah, I’m sorry I can’t hold my thoughts.

Back to the topic, finally we reached the secretariat house of Misiologi and I thought the house wasn’t bad. After every staffs of literature division (minus Senior Eva because she lived in Bandung) we started the meeting. Just regularly talked about treasury money (uang kas) and the Oasis thing. Did I ever tell about Oasis? Oasis is a blog of Misiologi. Every month it needs to be updated with some contents which are shared by using lottery to all staffs of literature division. I have to be honest, although I love to blog but I don’t know why I always feel bad when it comes to share Oasis contents. There are some contents which I hate but can’t be rejected such as Talents and Profile. And unfortunately I have already gotten both contents. Of course because it’s hard to get and I also hate it so I never do my tasks for Oasis. Don’t blame me, I have told them to just skip that contents but they didn’t listen. Worse than it, other contents which I think not so hard to find are not been done too. So the fact is, we only really updated on the first time we got that job, in February, and for March we didn’t. I didn’t think we would update again in April, just pray we won’t be lazy.

That’s it for today. Ugh I think I will never write again about all of my meetings contents like this. Both of these meetings are not really official right? I gave too much efforts to write this OMG.

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